MBT General Information

Here's how: ensure a snug fit at the instep and that the heel is positioned all the way back. Your toes should have room to move freely without hitting the front of the shoe. When laced up, your foot should stay secure without slipping as you walk. The fit should be firm but not overly tight. Correct sizing is essential to fully experience the benefits of MBT. If sized correctly, you should easily find a natural balance point over the pivot. If too large, you may tip backward onto your heel, and if too small, you may tilt forward. Remember, your MBT size may differ from your regular shoe size. We suggest that you try on different MBTs models to find exactly the right one for you as the fit in models varies to accommodate different foot types.
The core of MBT footwear lies in its patented sole construction, featuring the Masai Sensor. Contact with this soft sensor provides comfort and introduces a natural instability that can enhance lower body muscle activity. Rolling over the pivot point may aid in posture and balance improvement. *Individual results may vary. The MBT® sole's natural instability mimics walking on soft, uneven surfaces like a sandy beach. The Pivot Axis encourages a rolling motion, potentially boosting lower limb muscle engagement with each step.
The sole of MBT footwear is curved. The soft MBT Sensor in the heel lessens the impact on the joints and the skeletal system. The curve decreases flexion, creating a different motion on standing and walking, unlike what you see in conventional shoes.
The name "MBT" originates from "Masai Barefoot Technology," drawing inspiration from the Masai people renowned for their upright posture and athletic physique. The Masai's minimal issues with back and joint problems stem from their active walking on natural terrains, akin to the experience provided by MBT shoes, which challenges and strengthens their muscles.
You will receive an introduction when you buy an MBT in the shop, where you will be shown how to walk and stand properly in MBTs. This is not possible with online purchases.

MBT For Movement

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It should not be used for exercises with lateral or stop-and-go movement such as tennis, basketball and aerobics. MBT is not suitable for sports that require rapid changes of direction. Use the specific sports shoes here.
Experiencing slight muscle fatigue at the start is common and perfectly normal as you are activating neglected muscles. The muscle soreness should diminish as you wear them more. Wearing MBT shoes challenges your body and makes you work harder and may improve muscle engagement, posture, gait, and balance. It's important to consult a medical professional when using MBTs as part of additional therapy for existing physical issues.
While MBT shoes are designed to promote muscle activation and improve posture during daily activities like walking, they are not the best choice for intense workouts at the gym. Their unique design, which encourages a rolling motion and instability, will not provide the stability and support needed for activities like weightlifting or high-impact cardio exercises.
MBT shoes are ideal for prolonged standing. The sole encourages subtle rocking movements, helping to engage back muscles and potentially alleviate strain on joints and the back. Additionally, they activate the calf muscle pump, promoting better blood circulation. Wear your MBTs for as long as they remain comfortable.
It's not recommended to wear orthopedic insoles with MBTs because they provide foot support without stimulating foot muscles. MBTs, on the other hand, activate and engage foot muscles. For optimal benefits from MBT technology, it's best to wear them without orthopedic inserts. In some cases, orthopedic insoles can be used with MBTs, but they should be fitted by a specialist. When dealing with conditions like severe splayfoot or flatfoot, customised orthopedic insoles may be necessary, crafted by a specialist familiar with MBT technology. Additionally, using MBTs for therapeutic purposes, with or without orthopedic insoles, should always be overseen by a healthcare professional, especially in cases of severe conditions or leg length discrepancies up to 1 cm.
MBTs provide benefits before and after pregnancy. If you wore them pre-pregnancy, it's usually safe to continue, but if not, it's best to wait until after childbirth. If discomfort arises while wearing MBTs during pregnancy, it's wise to stop. Seek guidance from a medical professional for tailored advice on MBT use during pregnancy.

MBT Care Instructions

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To keep your MBT footwear in good condition you should: Use a damp cloth to clean them when they get dirty. Never wash them in the washing machine, as this may damage the Masai sensor. Avoid contact with oils, acids and corrosive liquids. If your MBTs get wet, dry them before putting them away or wearing them again.
Yes you can use waterproof spray. You care for MBTs like any other shoe using appropriate products. However, avoid exposing them to harsh substances or liquids.